Transcript- Turn Taking
Type Function Example
Cotinuers hands floor back to speaker "Carry on"
Acknowledgements expresses agreement with previous turn "I see what you mean"
Assessments expresses some form of appreciation "Yeah, you're right"
Newsmakers show the speaker's turn as news "Oh really? I didn't know"
Questions indicate interest of clarify "When did that happen?"
Collaborative completions end sentence at same time "Was that the score?"
"Yes it was"
Non-verbal vocalisations fills pauses, shows interest "Hmm" grunt
Cotinuers hands floor back to speaker "Carry on"
Acknowledgements expresses agreement with previous turn "I see what you mean"
Assessments expresses some form of appreciation "Yeah, you're right"
Newsmakers show the speaker's turn as news "Oh really? I didn't know"
Questions indicate interest of clarify "When did that happen?"
Collaborative completions end sentence at same time "Was that the score?"
"Yes it was"
Non-verbal vocalisations fills pauses, shows interest "Hmm" grunt